Art Association
CMA is a proud partner with the Steubenville
Art Association
In 2012. an Association sponsored mural of "Early Fort Steuben" was dedicated to the Historic Fort Steuben. And in 2013, a monthly display of SAA member paintings was opened in the Visitor Center.
In 2023 and 2024, the Steubenville Art Association was recognized by the Ohio Arts Council with monetary grants. These grants insure that the SAA continues to offer the beauty of the visual arts to the community.
In 2023, the SAA opened it's first Facebook page and website. And in 2024, the club adopted their first ever logo. The logo was designed by member Gerald Van Scyoc.
At this time, in the SAA continues to serve our community. We offer an art show at the Visitor Center each March that welcomes art entries from all people. We have monthly workshops that members and the public alike can attend. We work with other entities by painting murals, presenting art pieces for fundraisers and we do our part with visual arts at the Nutcracker Holiday Season and the Dean Martin Festival.
The SAA is currently at about 60 members. Membership is open to all artists and art appreciators for a fee of only $25 per year. Interested persons can contact the SAA at Steubenville Art Association, PO Box 1061, Steubenville, OH 43952, steubenvilleaa.com or Steubenville Art Association on Facebook.
The seeds of art were planted many years ago in the artist, Emma Hayhurst. Emma had been crippled by polio and as she faced this challenge, she adopted the mantra, "I will".... and she did.
Emma gave art lessons in her home in Brilliant, Ohio. In 1946, she organized "The Alpha Art Club" which was changed to "The Steubenville Art Association" in 1957. On April 25, 1963, SAA was incorporated in Ohio and received a 501-C3 status.
On October 26, 1991, the SAA leased the Labelle Firehouse on Maryland Avenue. The "Steubenville Art Association Center at the Firehouse" was home until October 2007 when meeting space was offered at the Historic Fort Steuben.
The SAA has held an "Annual Spring Art Show" since its inception in 1946 with the exception of 2020 and 2021, Covid years. This Show continues to attract 60+ artists who present about 150 paintings of various media. The Show is held each May for two weeks. The current venue is Eastern Gateway Community College on Sunset Blvd. in Steubenville.
In 1966, the Association began awarding a $500 scholarship to a local graduating senior who plans to further their education in an art related field. The student's winning portfolio is presented at the Annual Spring Art Show each year.